Lochan na h-Earba
Too much of everything yesterday apart from exercise.
M and I took Bruce and Caley up to Lochan na h-Earba. Unlike my Saturday visit it was dry, and with a breeze which made it feel chilly, rather than the gales and driving rain which made it feel bitterly cold and soaked the walker to the skin. As always it was a beautiful walk.
Our Christmas visitors aren't use to the constant vigilence required around unguarded food in our house and when they got up to come through to the kitchen for dinner an array of coffee table nibbles and snacks were left behind and Bruce dived in. We arrested his munching progess very quickly but suffice to say he was probably needing this walk as part of his Boxing day detox. (We would normally take him out of the room with us and shut the door or put the snacks up high)
Maybe some normal eating can resume today though Bruce says he'd fancy some turkey tonight.
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