Chocolate Fondant

We so rarely have puddings at home that it is a treat to order a dessert when we go out to eat, especially when we know the place we are at does excellent ones. This was delicious, as was Gordon's Sticky Toffee Pudding.

We decided at the last minute to go out for Sunday lunch and headed to our favourite place - The Bridge Bistro at Kirkby Thore. A lovely lunch and it was good to see the place buzzing, especially with family groups. The couple who own this have worked very hard over the years to make it the successful place that it is. 

So, it is sad to see how concerned they are about plans for the whole of the A66 to be made into a dual carriageway, i.e. to complete the bits that were left out 12 years ago when the last upgrade was done. There have been calls for this for a long time - and at last it is actually going to happen - the money is there and the plans are up for public consultation. The Bridge is on the A66 and, whilst they get a lot of local support, much of their trade comes from passing traffic. So they are very concerned about the impact of a bypass. We were talking to one of the owners and she was obviously very worried. They are in talks with the planners, but it doesn't look good for them. It will be a great relief for the rest of us, as the A66 is getting so very busy, but these things always come with a price. 

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