It's A Black-Out!

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

So our rescuer from captivity yesterday turned out to be a little old man called Charlie. He arrived about 30 minutes after I posted my blip.

He too, climbed in through the window and tried several things with our lock. None of which worked. 

Long story short, the only way to free us was to RIP away the doorframe and wall by the lock, so he was sawing and ripping around the lock for ages. Eventually the work was done, and the door swung open. Charlie was then able to remove the lock, but he had nothing to replace it with.

But no worries. It's not like we are going anywhere. Charlie fitted a bolt for us and hey-presto we are secure again. He's going to come back on Tuesday to give us an actual lock.

So today we were sitting around, secure against the outside elements, watching telly when - 



That is my impression of the noise that indicated a power cut. We were suddenly plunged into darkness. But I think we also handled this second crisis rather well. We calmed the cats, Caro lit some candles, and we checked on the neighbours to see that we weren't the only ones affected. We reckoned there was nothing I could do to save my lamb casserole, but it's not like we need an excuse to order out.

Then we sat in the dark, giving the boys reassurance cuddles and marvelling at how QUIET it is when all the electrical appliances are silenced. I mean, not just the obvious ones like the telly, but even the background buzz of the heater, the whoosh of the dishwasher, the bubble of dinner and the hum of the fridge. 

Ssshhhh... can you hear that? The sound of a mouse farting.

Oh man. Now I need the toilet. 

"Don't listen," I told Caro. 

She warned me to be careful as it was completely pitch-black in the flat. I assured her that, contrary to what she might have heard, I CAN find my bum with both hands.

Fortunately it was at this point that - 



- the power returned. My lamb casserole was saved!

Now we're back. The boys are back in front of the fire, dinner's nearly ready and hopefully nothing else can break, stick or beeeeeooooop this weekend..

Fingers crossed.


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