And they're off
Not without it's ups and downs I hasten to add. Going up the M5 from home to Clevedon (approx85miles) took us 3.45hrs.A nightmare! Thank goodness we were not flying until this morning. The down, well that was even more painful. I awoke with a nasty twinge lower back yesterday morning, it did'nt improve with moving about, lifting a 60ltr compost in & out of my car probably wasn't the wisest couple of moves. Last we had a sleepover with tellies in Clevedon, on a bed settee, I woke in the night in a lot of pain, sat on the edge of the bed, fainted, nose diving on to the carpet. Ouch!!!! Cricked neck & back pain. Hey ho! . 2 weeks of sunshine, swimming & possibly a Turkish massage could be just what I need.
Now you're nearly up to speed. Speed being this afternoon's topic of conversation, as our taxi drive from the airport in Dalaman to Marmaris was interesting to say the least, apart from putting his car through the rigorous road test, he appeared to have a slight problem with his sunglasses, adjusting them with both hands every 10-15 minutes. Not that silly a tale for Silly Saturday but if I told you the chopped chives on my scrambled eggs are my back lip for Flower Friday perhaps you'll let me off.
Derelict Sunday tomorrow. I've certainly seen a few wrecks today. I looked like one myself when I arrived. Lol!!
Thanks to admirer for hosting.
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