With a tweak tweak here & a tweak tweak there
................ you know the rest so I'll spare you :) Basically 3 images that caught my eye along one of my countryside ambles/bimbles/walkabouts call them what you will, tweaked with a little help from my friend Picasa to create an abstract image. You can probably identify the plants I've snapped. It does'nt always have to be big & blousy to catch the eye. The closer I look at wild flowers the more I see, their beauty, the detail. Nature is so clever at attracting admirers of one kind or another.
Weeds, well I guess they are beautiful in their own way, but don't always appreciate them forcing their way up through my rock hard clay soil on the allotment. I'm talking dandelions. How do they do that. Gosh it makes weeding difficult. That's about the only job I did on the allotment this morning, oh, plus a bit of watering, after reading about watering planted onion sets in my RHS Growing Vegetables Guide. My Thai 'Hom Daeng' (red shallots) are loving the lack of rain. Well they would would'nt they, so I just gave the white sets a sprinkle. :)
Just watching the local news, a Professor Devine-Wright was on ... I could'nt help but chuckle. Sorry!
Got all our clothes ready for packing, but got bit of a logistics dilemma, Cassiesmum has come to the rescue with a rather large case which I can probably get hubby in as well as our clobber for a fortnight in Turkey. We tend to travel light, especially going to a hot climate, I mean what can we possibly need. Watch this space as they say.
I'm gone! Got dinner to cook, then pack THE case.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting
Professor Devine-Wright ................ Nah! Really!??!!
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