Living on the Ceiling

Karen and Kate picked me up at 9am and we went into Brighton, the first port of call being a little cafe on the seafront for drinks.  We then went to the Upside Down House and got there just before it opened so fortunately the queue wasn't too long - I'd read reviews yesterday of people waiting over an hour to get in, and they'd reacted to this by stopping online bookings and limiting people to just 20 minutes in the house to cut queue time.  They also had someone in the house to help people with photos and to tell them when their time was up.  At a cost of only £4 it's excellent value and so much fun, I can't wait to go back next week when my girls are here.

From there we walked along the seafront, went to The Lanes and saw the new Hanningtons Lane which looks pretty spectacular.  All the shop units are ready to be occupied and is a great extension to The Lanes.  I wanted to nip to M & S as I had some vouchers to use before Monday, and I got two pairs of cropped trousers and a pair of silver shoes.  The next stop was lunch at The Ivy to celebrate Kate's birthday which is next week, and then we went to the Brighton Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.  

The girls dropped me at home, and came and sat in the garden for a cup of tea before they headed back.  The sun has finally broken through and it's feeling lovely and warm,  Alan's just mowed the garden so I think we'll go and sit out for a bit now.

Thanks Kate for a fun day, I’ve really enjoyed it!

Anyway, it's Friday, hope you have a good weekend!

Alan came up with the title to my blip inspired by this.

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