Water Lily

After having a late night last night, I was wide awake at 4.30am,  I think I've obviously caught up on my sleep!  So as I couldn't get back to sleep I sat and caught up on blip.

I went for a swim at 9,30am and then met Alison in the cafe at the gym for a drink and a catch up, after which I drove over to the University of Sussex to meet Sandra who's a lecturer there, and we had a sat in the cafe while she had her lunch break.  

On my way home I stopped off at Rottingdean Village Pond as it's full of water lilies and looking really pretty at the moment.  There were lots of dragonfiles flying around, but they were too quick for me to get a photo.  I've added a couple of the pond to my extras.

I've spent the afternoon at home, watch a bit of catch up TV and also tidied up the utility room, and made a lasagne for dinner.  Tonight I'm going for a drink with Chrissy at the Smuggler's Rest, so it's definitely been a day of catch ups!

While I was cooking, the boys were in the living room and they started barking, which they do quite often if they see the neighbours cat, so I just popped my head round the door and told them to be quiet - little did I know what they were barking at!  It turns out that two Jack Russell's had come through the hedge from the field and attacked our neighbours cat.  One had it at the front and one at the back and literally had the cat by the neck!  Steve got hold of the dogs who were covered in blood and somehow managed to release Ned, the cat but he's in a bad way.  They've taken him to the emergency vet and they're going to operate, but it's touch and go if he'll survive.  

There was a 12 year old girl with the dogs and Nicola said she feels very sorry that the little girl had to witness it - apparently they have a lot of dogs and the mother left her daughter in charge of the Jack Russells because they're small!  They might be small but they shouldn't be off their leads if they have a tendency to attack like that.  They know where they live as one of our other neighbours followed them.  Nicola said the vet's bill is probably going to run into thousands of pounds, but really the dog owners should be responsible for that in my opinion - I'm a dog owner as you know, but irresponsible owners really infuriate me!

Anyway, on that happy note, I'm going to go and get ready and am looking forward to a glass of wine or two!

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