Along the canal

We did another of our 'Medal Route Walks' today. That brings our total to 11.  So only another 46 left to go!  Today's walk involved mainly walking along the canal. It's quite nice along the canal but I have to stay on my lead because cyclists also use the canal path and there's always the danger of me walking right in front of them and making them tipple topple of their bike into the canal.

Actually the cyclists really annoy Ann. She doesn't mind them using the canal path because obviously the path is there for everyone to enjoy. But seriously cyclists; if you've got a bell why don't you use it? The number of times a cyclist just crept up behind us..................... The path isn't that wide especially under the bridges and we really don't want to end up in the canal. OK rant over!

Anyway when we do these 'medal route' walks we usually have to walk to the start of them which tends to add on an extra half an hour at each end of the walk so today's walk was actually two hours. That's a long time for a little 6 month old puppy to go on a walk. Plus I usually get let off my lead somewhere to have a play. Yay!

Ann is really happy with how good my recall is. Sometimes she would like me to come back quicker than I do, especially if I'm playing with other dogs or running around with sticks or just generally having a good old sniff around. But on the whole I'm pretty good.

My sitting, staying, waiting, though leaves a lot to be desired??!! A few weeks ago I was brilliant at it. Now even if there's just Ann and I............................ I'm rubbish??!! It's like I don't see the point of it??!! Why on earth would I want to sit & wait when I could be off running about and having fun??!!

Puppy class tomorrow night. Yay! …...............Ann's dreading it!!!!!!

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