I'm a big girl now!

Ever since Ann adopted me when I was 3 months old, I have gone into my CRATE at bedtime and I have gone into my crate every time Ann leaves me 'home alone'. I quite like my crate. There's not loads of room in it but I can stand up and turn around (apparently this is the criteria for whether it's big enough for me)and it's a really cosy place.

Years ago when Ann first adopted 'MollyCollie', she absolutely hated the idea of putting a dog into a 'CRATE', but then she spoke to an animal behaviourist who said that dogs loved it because it was like their own little den. She actually said to Ann that if 'MollyCollie' didn't love her crate within a week she would buy the crate off her. MollyCollie absolutely loved her crate.

I don't think I love my crate quite as much as MollyCollie did because I'm a much more sociable little doggie and I don't have the insecurities and problems that she did..................... Having said that; I never, ever make a fuss when I have to go into my crate.

My human, however, still has the same worries about 'crating' a dog as she did 14 years ago.

Sooooooo.................. After three & a half months of shutting me in a crate........................ she has now bought a dog gate to go between our living room and kitchen. She doesn't want me to have the full run of the living room because I might chew stuff that I'm not supposed to and sit on sofas that I'm not supposed to. As if??!!

Now when Ann goes out I can have a little plod around the kitchen area if I want. For the last couple of days she's left me in here when she's gone out. But guess what happened at bedtime last night?...............

…...........There I was, having a little snooze on my blanket on the sofa, in the living room, next to Ann, yes I am a very pampered pooch, when she lifted me into my bed in the kitchen area and said, 'It's bedtime Trixie'. …..............I immediately got out of my bed in the kitchen and trotted into my crate.

For the next week Ann is going to let me choose where I want to sleep??!! My crate or my bed in the kitchen?????????????????


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