An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Christmas sky

I had a bit of a shock when I came to download my photos from the camera tonight "disk out of space" - how did that happen?! Last time I noticed, I had about 200GB free... where did it go? Blip and RAW files might be the answer to that one! A quick empty of the Aperture bin allowed me to get the pics off the camera and now I need to do a thorough de-clutter of my hard drive - I know there are duplicate copies of some things - and I also need to go through my images and delete the "nearly rans". I had already started doing this (how many images of flies from a slightly different angle but otherwsie exactly the same, do I really need to keep?) but now it's become a matter of urgency. Possibly get another external hard drive too.

Anyway, all that aside, a pleasant and quiet Christmas day was spent. Apart from the children wanting to get up up at 4.40am, which I promptly put an end to! Their father came down from Sydney to spend the day with them, then we went to my parents' briefly after he'd left - and this was captured on the drive home from their house, just before the sun set.

I hope you all had a lovely day, unmarred by indigestion.

Bigger city skyline, with local landmark water tower.

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