Common Hogweed

The day started with double dog walks - Finlay first and then the guests, Fudge and Buzz. Whilst out I spotted this super hairy hogweed stem and the new leaves emerging. It will soon be towering above the cow parsley.

After breakfast I went shopping - mayhem in Morrison’s. No spaces in the car park - although I was lucky and dropped on one as someone pulled out! Mr popular I wasn’t! Aisles were rammed and queues at the tills - oh wait it is bank holiday weekend and the shops are closed for (wait for it ) no days! Ooh - let’s get extra just in case!

Had to call in to Mrs madwill’s studio on the way home to collect three more orders for posting, which I did after lunch.

Cut the grass again - seems to be growing despite the lack of rain.

Some news on the mother in law front… Mrs madwill’s sister persuaded her that she needs to move out of her house, something she has been refusing to do for a long time. They put a deposit down on a retirement flat near Bedford (where sister in law lives) and they arranged to put the house onto the market….and it has sold even before it has been advertised. First time buyers - all finances in place - want a quick move! So we will be spending some time up there to help sort out and when she moves then we should get our Wednesdays back!

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