Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


A Sunday when I had the opportunity to go to my 'home' church this morning and not having to focus on leading worship elsewhere. The afternoon was spent ironing and then doing a clearout of clothes I either no longer wear or rarely wear. Scarily and somewhat embarrassingly, that resulted in three large bags being filled for taking to a charity shop when I get the chance.

Not the most exciting of days, but a relaxing yet productive break before I continue my stint at the General Assembly (see yesterday's post).

My blip is of a tulip, maybe past its best but still hanging on in there and providing beauty for those prepared to look. It was taken in the 'patio' outside our church this morning. If people want to use that as a metaphor for the institution to which I belong, there are better ones but I've also heard worse!

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