Rain or Shine. You'll Always be...
Tomorrow was Saturday which is allotment day, regardless of who important the visitor is.
She's actually been very tolerant of the Allotment Visits - Himself has been tasked with the water tank filling this week - in lieu of our lovely committee members who have taken themselves off on holiday - and so he has been up and down most nights - and sometimes for quite a whil - the tanks are large and a full four fills can take upto 2 hours. (see Extra)
Don't think she sat there and read the whole time. I had bought Marigolds this morning (I hate marigolds, but apparently a lot of pests do too) - and she planted them all - one at each corner of every bed in two plots :-)
I planted another wad of parsnips, and weeded my beans and sunflowers. I smiled at my lettuce - it's not coming on very fast, I wish it would hurry up.
Himself planted the sweetcorn... fingers crossed
We left the allotment and went straight to the shopping - must to Tooli's horror. I had my gardening shoes on. :-( And I was covered in mud.
Then it was in front of the TV (Not Eurovision). Bad film. Nibbles, and laughs.
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