Do You Really Want to Hurt Me.....

Those of you who have been around with me for a while (Like 8 years).... might look at this image, and this title and have a horrifying flashback..

Think back to July 2011 - whilst shopping with Tooli - I proffered her a beauty experience ...  This one.    It went badly;   she refused to look at me in the eye for days.   I was officially a BAD mother. 

Today - she actually volunteered herself for this torture herself....   I told the woman NOT to make her cry.  She proferred her a tissue 

It was not going to be a good experience. 

To be honest I actually think it was the SAME woman.  I think that in 2011, it was the first time she had ever done it.   This time; it took her 2 minutes.  2 minutes of the ultimate pain.  

But this time, it wasn't my fault. 


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