
I have a conundrum: should I eat them in the seasonable chronology they represent or according to the chronology in which they were delivered?

I think I've more or less decided that Father Christmas should lose his head before I savour the yolk of the Easter egg.
That way I will celebrate correctly the Christmas story before the Easter one; not that Santa has any religious significance at all, and the Easter egg, only a scant one.

The Father Christmas was the last chocolate behind the Christmas Eve door in my birthday present Advent Calendar, and the Easter egg was a present from his Lordship when my cold was at it's worst.

It was extremely kind of him although I'm wondering about the psychology of the act, given that he has put himself on a treat restrictive diet until he has lost 4lbs - a minute amount in my estimation.
I'm hoping he is not becoming what I think is known as a 'feeder'.

We have seen television documentaries of women so obese that they can only lie like stranded whales on a specially supported bed and thus completely unable to gain access to food unless it is delivered to them in bucket loads by their husbands and partners who are all normal and thin.

For what it's worth I think anyone on a diet gets a secret thrill seeing other people eating vicariously what they deny themselves.

His Lordship will have to wait a while for his thrill, well at least until after Santa has met his gastronomic fate

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