Capital adventures

By marchmont


Off early to Leith for coffee and a chat with my ex colleague, B.  She was delayed (a builder!) but this meant I bumped into another ex-colleague, D, as I walked down to Quay Commons.  Serendipity.  The sun shone and we had a really good catch up - everything from Nat 5s to Brexit. 

Home to deliver a couple of gifts to the mother of the bride and post a book to the grandkids. And then 'au jardin'!  I must be running out of things to do.  I came back up the road on a new, long #7. There is a petition about the wheelchair/buggy spaces.  Lothian Buses say you can get both in the space.  Having observed the reality today I can categorically say that if there is a wheelchair user on the bus there is no room for a buggy. 

As the afternoon progressed gradually the sun left and a cloudy, chilly evening replaced it.  The heating is back on. 

This sourdough from Quay Commons wasn't made by my friend H but it is still very good. 

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