Bucket List #1

At the rag end of 2018 I wrote to each & every Falmouth Town Councillor, I wrote in the old fashioned way, hand written and posted using ‘snail mail’.
I wrote asking if the councillors would consider the Town signing up to the Armed Forces Covenant. At their February meeting they deferred the decision pending more information.
Along with a contact in the Wessex Veterans Employment Agency at the March meeting we gave a presentation on the benefits to all concerned and the Town Council voted unanimously to sign up to it.
Today was signing day, Brigadier ‘Jock’ Frazer RM signed on behalf of the MOD and Town Mayor, Grenville Chappell, on behalf of the town.
Why did I ask?
Not for me but for my son, so that when he returns after 5, 10 or 20 years in the Military he will be treated in exactly the same way as his contemporaries who never leave the town.

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