A busy day in Kyoto!!

I’ve missed a few days of blips, but will catch up when I can download pictures off my camera. I’ve captured a few on my phone today to use direct.

We headed out at 9am to visit Kiyomizu-dera, a historic temple established in 778. The present buildings were rebuilt in 1631- 1633.

Lunch was taken in a Nishiki Market, a narrow five block long shopping alley of shops / stalls dealing with all things food related. Fascinating to see and very busy!!

In the afternoon we visited Kinkakuji Temple, known as the Golden Pavillion which is set in beautiful gardens. The next was Ryoanji Temple, which was very different with it’s rock garden. 15 rocks and white gravel. The pond has beautiful water lilies, with blue and yellow irises.

A day of temples but such contrasts!!

It was about 28 degrees and dry, comfortable for all the walking.

This is a very busy city, but as all things Japanese that we have seen so far, is so very well organised. We have felt safe and comfortable at all times.

I’m not a great fan of green tea, so the chance of a good coffee is not to be missed!! See extra :0)))

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