This fabulous natural abstract pattern formed itself inside an ironstone boulder aeons ago below the earth's surface. Over time, the rock either surfaced or was dug out by miners and revealed its hidden colour when the rock shell was cracked open: it is an opal in its rough form and on display in Brisbane Opal Museum, a 15-minute bus ride from the city centre. My photo doesn't wholly do justice to the quality of colour that opals display in the light. 2000 years ago, Pliny the Elder described them thus: "... in them you shall see the living fire of ruby, the glorious purple of the amethyst, the sea-green of the emerald, all glittering together in an incredible mixture of light”.
The museum's a small place, privately owned by a hardworking enthusiast who, himself, works with the raw materials. He has big plans to expand the displays and move to larger premises. He deserves to succeed in his ambition and, meanwhile, the embryo museum is well worth visiting. As it's Abstract Thursday this photo is my blip choice for today. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting the challenge.
Thanks, too, to blipper cabbagetree who provided me with the artist's name, and background information, on the elephant sculpture that I blipped earlier this week. All becomes clear - click here if you'd like to learn more.
Today was our last in Brisbane. Tomorrow we leave Queensland early to fly to Tasmania aka Tazzie!
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