
A momentous day: it stopped raining. At least for an hour or so.

+1/2 put the finishing touches to the Christmas cake today and as she was about to put the traditional decorations on the cake asked +1/3 if he had a Lego Santa that might be able to go on top. 10 minutes later and we had some trees, a sleigh, an elf with skateboard and a pile of presents all made out of Lego*.

Apparently the cake is a two-packeter** this year and smells fantastic. Left to soak for weeks in whisky +1/2's cakes are always brilliant. If you happen to be in the neighbourhood do drop by for a slice and a drink***.

* if you look in large you can see teethmarks; all Lego washed before going onto the cake
** packets of marzipan; I'm addicted to the stuff.
*** no, seriously.

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