Lazy day

We teachers are tired. The split shift isn’t fun. Even those going home in between shifts are tired and the planning still has to be done. First day of the weekend so cleaning done then a day by the pool and on the beach - reading, cooling down and resting. I’m not fasting but I can’t drink in public and on a day of 40 and being outside you dehydrate quickly. My water was in the changing rooms, thankfully. For those who have about 9 hours to rehydrate while they’re fasting, I don’t know how they do it. I noticed one of the Egyptian lifeguards looking very worn out 30 minutes before Iftar and my colleagues told me their taxi driver snoozed at the lights...

Finished my day with dinner at the club the dropped in to see a friend who’s also working split shifts some days - 10am-4pm, then Iftar, then 8.30-1am again at work. He's fasting from 3.30am after having had suhour at 2am and then finally goes to sleep. Grueling! 

I have nothing to complain about.

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