The bubble

By Phini

A very busy day...

Today at 5.30am I managed finally to lie on my side. It took an hour and a Half of shuffling around to loosen me up. I did circuits from bed to bathroom to dressing room over and over again. Firstly because I could not stand the burning pain at the base if my spine. I managed to reach and touch it earlier and found spotting of blood and weepy stuff so I must have a sore but I just can't see. I thought they were things very old very ill people got after many months or years. I never realised 3 days in bed could be such an endurance. I also kept moving so I don't freeze. Finally I got on my side. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to get back up. Husband helped when he brought tea and crumpets in at 8.

After his horrendous bedside manner start he is now surpassing himself as nurse nightingale.

We have had a little giggle together at only fools n horses. It's very terrifying to laugh or sneeze Husband is very happy he did all his Christmas shopping this morning in an hour.

He dropped my cards of apology in at the butchers for me. I hope I will be forgiven.

Husband has brought me oat cakes, cheese, olives, cauliflower and homous up before he has gone to nanny's for a Christmas family gathering.

I am amusing myself by watching you tube and all the double Dutch skippers plus tutorials on how to braid hair (which I know but just passing the time). Hence i have a plait in my drab hair in the photo. I have unintentionally got a shopping channel on. If I can find the remote and it is reachable I will change immediately. Where do they find these polyester flammable goods from. I'm scared in my doped up state I might purchase.

Apparently Husband has taken my Christmas flowers out the vase in the kitchen to give to nanny. Also I have been informed by sis in law he has put the tree up but has no intention of decorating it. Apparently its the minimalist look. Men!!!

Louis n Sarah n husband have made executive decision and cancelled our champagne breakfast we were hosting on 29th before the races. Everyone had been informed. I'm very upset I was really looking forward to it but I know there right. According to the paramedics I wouldn't be out of bed by then.


On a good note I am getting better and I will get better. There are a lot of poorly people in the world who are never going to in orbit in fact live

I am a very lucky bunny

It's very kind of amazon to start their sale on Christmas Day - it appears I will be one of the few bedridden with nothing to do who will be surfing the cyber wave.

My base is throbbing and stinging and has a pulse of its own. I will have to get husband to assess when he gets home

The view I have has not changed for five days now. I have mentally accessorised this room a hundred times - hurray for Pinterest.

I can't wait to get back into our bedroom. But for now this is actually a lovely cosy room to stay in (other than feeling every spring in this stupid matress) I declare it our winter bedroom.

I have managed to change tv channels. I didn't think it was possible but I think I have managed to find something worse. Now I know I have taken a lot of medication recent days BUT what the h*ll made in Chelsea. Someone please tell me this program is not for real. I can't stop watching it - in the way you can't stop looking at road kill!!!

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