
Asha was off fiesta day! We had such a lovely morning mooching round the Medieval Market, watching jousting, wandering along the market stalls, bumping into people... Both kids loved everything! We went from there to San An for our team meeting - I was looking after the kids whilst the others were all together. Such lovely kids, all of them... Lots of fun conversation and playing, as well as a movie and popcorn. 
Home and Danny ran up the hill to Sa Penya, and I took Asha, Nate and Isabel to the medieval games...then all home for tea and a late bedtime. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A really happy morning together (extra pic of the kids and a Medieval Market moment with geese).
2) This little troop of kids who are growing up together.
3) Being able to pray when it feels like you can do nothing.

An extra extra of the kids in their caps...Nate keeps calling it his 'meow hat', couldn't work out why...then yesterday as we left the flat, he patted the cap on his head and shouted to Danny "I've got my cat on!" 
Hahahahaha! Mystery solved!

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