
By Wildwood

Spinster Sisters

We had a thunderstorm in the middle of the night that lifted me straight out of my bed--I'm not sure which woke me first the big flash of light through the french doors into our bedroom or the booming clap of thunder that followed almost immediately on its heels. This went on for awhile while OilMan and I both pretended to be asleep. Eventually we did both go back to sleep and awoke to sun and puffy white clouds.

We were expecting old friends for a house visit and lunch in the trattoria down the street in Kenwood, but he called in with a sore throat, so we decided to go on our own. We got to puttering around, hanging pictures, mounting a coat rack by the garage door and putting the finishing touches on our upgraded office. OilMan took out the old tomato plants just in time to get inside before the rain resumed. We noticed that the finches with their bright red and yellow breasts have discovered our newly transplanted bird feeders. We even had a titmouse. Our Sebastopol titmouse seemed quite timid, but this one was quite comfortable sharing with the finches.

We found ourselves eating lunch before we remembered that we were going to go out (short term memory loss...) and decided to go out for dinner instead. We spent the rest of the afternoon happily nesting....

Dana told us about a restaurant called The Spinster Sisters. (Apparently a reference to the erstwhile ladies who lived in the building) I remember when she was going to go here with friends she thought it sounded sort of weird and uninviting, but called the next day to tell us how wrong she was. We decided to go there tonight. OilMan and I have a tendency to find places we like, and keep going back. Tonight we agreed that this might just be our new place. It is both trendy and delicious. It has a bar which always has seats available, even though the restaurant is small and doesn't have a lot of tables. We had a bartender/waitress who was attentive and funny. We especially enjoyed the brussels sprouts chips...impossible to describe the crispy deliciousness, and the necessity of eating them very quickly before they cool off.

As we ate, I kept noticing the flowers perched on the counter where the food came out of the open kitchen. When I realized that the flowers were tulips (in December!) I knew they were my blip. I love the contrast with the chefs working away in the kitchen....We drove home through rainy streets lined by houses covered with Christmas lights--a pleasant ending to a relaxing day.

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