Got back home a few hours ago.

The Waterboard workmen from yesterday were waiting for me in their van when I got back.

I knew as soon as I saw them I had done the right thing by getting out of the bungalow before they arrived this morning. The trauma of yesterday with them yesterday was still with me. I understand they were only doing a job that was on their worksheets, but my intense feeling against the Waterboard rose within me badly the moment I saw them.

The job is finished they said. Completed. You won’t see us any more. We are sorry for all the confusion. And more they said. It felt like the Waterboard had told them to wait when they had done the job until I came back to apologise to me. In a sense I felt sorry for them having to do this.

I think my face was a bit stern, but it wasn’t at them personally, it was the whole situation of everything that happened, and I just wanted them gone out of my sight.

I couldn’t drive into my driveway because their van was parked across it, so I am waiting for them to move, but one of them kept apologising. I don’t know how many ways you can apologise for a situation, but he managed it. Finally I say something like, so that’s it? You are done? It’s definitely finished? I won’t be seeing you again? You have definitely completed it properly this time?

The one that broke the Guinness book of records for apologising finally said, it was the last crew that didn’t do the job properly. So I said, and you have done the job properly? He said yes. So I said thank you for that. And he drove off his face still apologetic...

And finally I got into my driveway, parked my car, went in and joined the cat who was keeping my bed warmed all day. I couldn’t relax because all this affair with the Waterboard had literally pushed me to the edge. Finally I fell asleep for a few hours.

This is a photo with KaleidaCam of the pub I escaped to first thing this morning so I didn’t have to see the workmen...

Tired now. Will catch up tomorrow...
Take care x

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