The Magnificent (Cyberpunk) Seven

My movie star pics seem to be entertaining a few people (including me) so here's another few. An homage to the coldest movie hero of them all; the ultimate warrior, Yul Brynner! Unfortunately, even with a black cowboy hat, black clothes and (almost) bald head, I cannot replicate that icy demeanour of Mr. Brynner. I know he never wore sunglasses in The Magnificent Seven or Westworld, but I thought I would look even more bad ass than Brynner wearing mirror shades. I ended up looking more like Michael Jackson on the cover of HIStory, unfortunately.

Shot for  I, Assassin icy.

Possibly  achieved a moderately chilly Bad.

Most likely inched in at a comfortably air conditioned Vogue.

I think me trying to be a bad ass is about as hopeless as Tom Hanks trying to play a bad guy.

One more lined up for tomorrow, then it's back to proper work.

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