Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Saturday — Ashly’s Baby Shower

Ashly is our first grandchild and she is expecting her first baby in six weeks. The official due date is June 14th. The baby is a boy. This will be our fourth great-grand.

Ashly’s shower was this afternoon, so some of these photos are at the shower and some are before the shower as everyone was getting things set-up. The shower was in the back yard of her daddy’s house, which is exactly where her wedding happened 2 1/2 years ago.

We were not at the shower, but we were at the pre-shower gathering. Our Max dog had serious surgery today. He went blind in one eye a little over a month ago. Glaucoma was the cause. We didn’t even know he was having problems. The veterinarian told us then that the eye would need to be removed. So today the blind eye was removed.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

This has been a very emotional day.

From Southern California,
Rosie & Mr. Fun, aka Carol

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