bore hole

One of the good things which has come out of the Twinning is the bore hole. The church in Lubuto had identified a need for clean drinking water for use by the local community and this was funded by people in Dunscore and Moniaive. We were so pleased to see it in daily use. Every time we visited the church compound there were people fetching water in all kinds of containers, many carrying buckets away on their heads. Today, maybe because it wasn't a school day, there were plenty of children at the tap. 

We were at the church this morning waiting to leave on a special day out to a game park about 45 minute' drive from Lubuto.

It was a really nice day - we didn't see a lot of animals - some zebra, impala, waterbuck and some (thankfully captive) scary snakes, but everyone had a lovely relaxed time (see extras)

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