Life through the lens...

By ValC


Photo taken from the carpark at our local farmshop.
Weather atrocious!!!! Rain,rain,rain!! Will it never stop!
But they have to carry on!
Dad and son, picking vegetables for our Christmas dinner.
Along with other farmers, they have had a terrible year.
We moan and groan, but they are out in all weathers to keep us supplied with food all year.
A very big thankyou to them all, and any blippers who are farmers too.

Also my thoughts are with those who are flooded, especially those in Helston, a little town we know well.
I hope you manage to get back home for Christmas.

How lucky we are to be back in our cosy home, nice and warm.
Can now relax for the rest of the day. Don't have to venture out until tomorrow!

Happy weekend everyone!

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