A Patriotic Westie

It was unfortunate to say the least that the arrival of son#2 from Budapest coincided exactly with my first head cold lurgy that I can remember this year.

It is well known that cold viruses are wary of coming anywhere near me, but this one was valiant in its efforts and breached my defences leaving me nasally incontinent and miserable.

Fortunately the boy was off to spend the night with a school friend and I was at liberty to quaff a big glass of mulled wine which his Lordship had sourced nearby, and go to bed early, missing my favourite Graham Norton programme.
You can see it must have been lurgy with serious intentions.

There was a scary moment when his Lordship, prone to auto suggestion felt a bit shivery and was in danger of perhaps transforming my head cold into his man flu, but luckily my departure to bed instigated a revival of fortune and he's as fit as a fiddle today.

While not yet back to full strength, I am looking forward to a Malaysian meal tonight with His Lordship, son #2, daughter#1 and Magpie.
His Lordship and I are prepared to be the old foggies at the feast as we listen to the younger generation's take on life, but will of course come into our own when the bill is presented!

Braving the appalling weather on our one and only outing to buy some breathing enhancer at the local chemist's, we saw this wee Westie excluded from the cafe festivities, in his tartan finery and forbidden to smoke, waiting for his owner.

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