Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Thursday — Campus Visitor

One of my students came back into the classroom after the class had been dismissed at 11:45 to show me this photo. I asked her to send it to me.

I don’t think rattlers are visible at the end of the snake, so it is possibly just a gopher snake. Here at our house we could use the help of a gopher snake; our back yard has had some serious gopher visits. A couple months ago we paid the “Gopher Patrol” folks to come eradicate the critters. Their service came with a two month guarantee. So the gophers stayed away for two months, but we’ve seen evidence of at least one new gopher hole in the past several days. We suspect that the gophers know about the guarantee.

Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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