Natalie at the Wheel

I have an experiment I have run in the last years of my teaching. My theory is that kids want structure, they want to be taught, they want boundaries. I seek to prove this by taking a seat at one of the desks in the classroom, unannounced, trying as I can to be a fellow student, and leaving the class “teacherless.” It worked again today, this time quicker than it has ever been, under one minute. This time Natalie from my first senior class, stepped forward and took charge. She gave them a journal writing, then passed out the daily poem, one from Wendell Berry, which they discussed in an organized and civilized fashion. Oh my gosh. They were so perfect with each other. It made my day, my short time with them. They got it. And hooray for Natalie, who now will be an outstanding teacher.

This stuff is fun sometimes.

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