jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Real men wear babies. And carry them too.

Today's plan was to get out of the house for a walk into town before preschool - it turned into a VERY quick walk as getting up and dressed etc took SO long.... but we made it into town, to the bank, to the chip shop, and back in time to drop Ben off at preschool. Nice to get out of the house though!

Spent most of the afternoon at the supermarket gratefully stocking up before collecting Ben. Roast chicken for dinner! But not before the boys cried off VERY early to bed. And then Charley puked on his way up to bed. And didn't stay in bed for long: just long enough for me to strip the warm cooked chicken (I LOVE that job. I get to eat LOADS of gorgeous crispy flavourful roasted chicken skin!!) before waking up and not knowing what to do with himself at all. Eventually he gave up, and, totally miserable and dejected, crawled off my knee onto the sofa and lay there staring into space with me rubbing his back until he fell asleep. I blame teeth.

So we caught up on TV shows and then gave up and went to bed as well...

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