Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


We had a visit from a person this morning who may look after the house and Archie at some point in the future. She's part of the website we used last year when Wendy came and looked after Archie for a month. She's a local, so it would be quite handy for short holidays. She travels the world house/pet sitting, so staying here isn’t quite as exciting as some of her other offers, but she seems quite keen in between her other globe trotting.

JR popped to the supermarket, and I decided to take Archie out. But I always need a wee treat - eg a coffee, a beer or an ice cream to lure me. I decided on a coffee, it being not as far as the ice cream, but a slightly longer walk for Archie than the beer.

We got the bus round the Meadows and stopped off at my favourite wee cafe. It was mobbed! Lots of students, all of them on laptops using the free wifi, most of them with a bottle of water and some even with their own food in plastic containers. I don’t know how the cafe makes any money!

But I looked in the cafe next door, and it was quirky and very cute - sells crêpes, and it's dog friendly. Next time.

We walked back over the Meadows. Here he is, rolling in a smelly patch. Blossom is still hanging in there. But I was fair puggled by the time I got home (3,360 steps) and had to rest on the sofa for the remainder of the afternoon. My knees are pretty sore, but - at last - my appointment with the knee expert is getting nearer. Next week, in fact. 16 weeks after my initial appointment. Tooooo long!

While I relaxed and watched TV (Brits running gîtes in France), JR painted the walls of the old coal cupboard. This involved kneeling down and actually crawling in to get to each end - way out of my capabilities these days. Now we can fill it up with stuff.

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