Collage of ....

..... garden bluebells ----
Yes they are really in my very untidy wild garden. As I can't get down to weed / dig this is the state it stays? After a minor scare this am I was able to get outside for 2 hours when I got rid of the very dead geraniums I'd tried so hard to keep . So I've got 7 pots ready for new ones at a latter date.
If I'm not sweeping leaves I'm sweeping up blossom blown into the garden from next door , however I do enjoy them whilst they are blooming.
I bought some more bird feeders yesterday so they have been filled and the " dear " pigeons are enjoying the food. But I must say the robins and tits love the fat balls and I'm so pleased I've managed at last to encourage the small birds into the garden.
The day has been beautiful weather wise , do hope you've all had chance to enjoy it.

Appreciate ..... being able to get out after this am blip!

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