Xplosion of Comments!

'X' is for Xplosion! ;-)

Picture taken in Clearwater Mall this morning!

Wowzer my dear Blipfriends! Thank you for all the lovely comments on my BlipBirthday yesterday! All your comments and support are deeply appreciated!

I had the best day in 4 months today, thank heavens! I went to Clearwater Mall in Johannesbutg with the children, and the cherry on top is that Ronnie jr and Anrie returned from Cape Town yesterday and they went to town with us this morning! Anrie and I did some shopping together, buying things for the other 3, whilst they bought prezzies for us!! Hehehe!

After shopping, we had lunch in a restaurant in the mall and chilled around the house the whole rest of the afternoon! Almost felt like everything was normal again! I can't wait for my health and energy to be fully restored again!!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend! LuvUAll!!

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