Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


When Archie had gone out for his walk with Elizabeth, we popped into town. The saga of our toilet seat continues (it's not the right fit) so we wanted to pop to the showroom to view one. But the showroom was shut. All was not lost, as our main reason for heading to the West End was to try out the bagel shop we've been reading about. And it was an epic lunch! JR had a bagel absolutely stuffed with hot smoked salmon, cream cheese, avocado and a slice of pickled beetroot. I don’t know how she ate it all, but she did. I had a medium sized one stuffed with avocado and wee tomatoes. On to the coffee shop and we managed a slice of chocolate brownie.

On the way home we hopped off the bus at the Meadows for a stroll through the blossom. The place was rammed with folk playing cricket, high wire practicing between trees, and generally enjoying the sunny weather. The blossom is hanging in there still, but won’t last much longer. What a glorious sight.

I was fair stuffed by the time I got home - nearly 5,000 steps today - more than I’ve done in a long time!

We had a text from our neighbour who'd just opened a bottle of wine and needed some help. As soon as Elizabeth came back with Archie, we popped over. Also wanted to see her new bathroom, all signed off and finished. Ours isn’t...

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