One red balloon

A couple of mornings a week, I do a bit of yoga followed by some weights. I should do more of the yoga, actually; I quite enjoy it and I could do with being a little more stretchy, especially my hamstrings. For the weights, I have two routines that my colleague, Steve, spec'd for me: 'back and chest' and 'shoulders and arms'. This morning, was 'back and chest' which is the set that I enjoy more.

As I was doing the weights, I saw a balloon rise up from behind the town. I guess it must have taken off from the fields down by the river. As I did my lifting, I watched it slowly ascending and every so often I'd see a burst of flame followed a couple of seconds later by the sound of the hot air going up into the balloon.

By the time I went down to the kitchen to make coffee it was several hundred feet in the air, as you can see in the photo.

-9.8 kgs
Reading: 'Refining Sound' by Brian K Shepard

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