Supper Time

Nipped round to the Mother-in-law this morning to drop stuff off for her and hubby before they head off for a few days.
No minor stroke is going to slow her down (although she does still have some restricted feeling and movement in one hand).

I had the Cygnet all to myself this afternoon.

He had a complete meltdown when his mother and Nana went out.
For no other reason than he was feeling crap - full of the cold (again).
It had lots of real tears ..... and lots of forced ones too.
I filmed some of it for Bags when she got home - it was quite funny.
After about 10 minutes it stopped.
So we built a railway (nothing nearly as good as his Mums efforts) and spent ages playing with it.
It got to the point that he was just lying on the floor watching me push the trees around.
He just was not well.
But it didn't stop him polishing off a clementine in double quick time (he loves fruit) or a large portion of "cheesy pasta" as he calls it made for his dinner (he demanded yesterday that his Nana made it for him).

I am being very good and restricting my intake of mince pies.
This one would not have been eaten (yet) if I had not needed some kind of blip.

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