Introduction to Precision Machining

My son is an instructor in the Machine Tool Technology Department at Linn-Benton College at Albany, Oregon.
One of the classes he teaches is "Manufacturing Processes I" in which students learn to operate a vertical milling machine and a metal lathe.
I am the one of the students in his Spring 2019 class.
Christopher introduced my shopmates and I to the "Bridgeport" vertical milling machine last week and this week we began milling metal.

We are making a three inch tall potato launcher complete with a potato plug cutter for making potato plug projectiles.  
I will learn all of the basic skills involved in milling, turning, drilling, reaming and making screw threads in a precise manner such that my parts will work in everyone's launcher interchangeably.  
Sadly, my last shop class was in Fall 1963; because of "college prep" classes filling my schedule I could no longer continue these beloved shop classes.
56 years later, my son is fulfilling the longing I've had all these years for continuing those shop classes.
How cool is that!

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