Easter ....

..... table.
Thought I'd blip this before we had lunch and a little of the simnel cake latter!
We have had a lovely day , a nice lunch of roast lamb and all the trimmings and apricot tart and ice cream / cream/ creme fraiche coffee / tea and mini Easter eggs . It has been lovely weather hope everyone has been able to enjoy it as it's going to be cooler next week apparently.
I didn't go to church today as I would have found hosting lunch too much for my snail pace to cope with. But I had helpers to carry and clear, thanks O/M/A and K for making the Dauphinois potatoes ( altho' I won the contest re the Cauliflower cheese!!!!) sorry folks that a private joke.
Thank you all , what a great family hey!
A celebration of the risen Lord which I did at a lovely service last night when we had the first communion of Easter. Duly parading outside too ,even at that late hour, as a show of our faith.

Appreciate .... such a great day .

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