Someone's Been Busy!

A dull morning, and showers up north, but it cleared and a warmer sunny afternoon and evening.  The wind has been warm too.  I fairly noticed it tonight.

A lazy morning, and puttered about the house.  Headed north for a run after lunch, and popped by to see a friend's boat project.  Late afternoon and evening was spent in the peat hill.  Me and peerie Brian finished of the flaying, and ready to start casting peats soon.  Mam and Elise popped by, and then I headed to see big Brian and Madeline.  Walkies with Sammy, and now my feet are up. 

As I headed up north, I had been noticing various peat banks had been cast already, and I'm hardly even started to clear my bank.  What really got me, was seeing this bank completely cast, and loads of peats have been raised!  It seems really early for me, but the fine weather this spring seems to have risen the peat oils earlier.  Taken at Ronas Voe, Northmavine.  

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