Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Kiwi visitors

Our Kiwi visitors arrived this morning - though they’d spent the day on a cycle tour of the city yesterday!

Our visitors - Debbie is the daughter of one of JR's oldest college friends, and her husband Craig and daughter Zoe - are staying just nearby. Unfortunately, we can’t put them up, as the spare room is still piled high with stuff.

We took them for a walk up Blackford Hill, and it was so HOT. It's a good place to get a great view of the city. Archie was so puggled, that he refused to come back up the hill for the obligatory photo call, he was heading back down to the water bowl at the car park. There he is, away down the hill (Extra 1).

Archie and I came back in the car while the others had a walk through the Hermitage. Elizabeth came to take Archie off for the afternoon, and I went back down to the Duck Pond to collect the others, it really was rather HOT.

Back home for lunch, then off to the Porty Beach (Extra 2) and it was mobbed! We've never seen it so busy! We had a coffee and an ice cream and marvelled at the folk in swimming.

The Kiwis went to their digs and had a rest, coming back for a barbecue later. Embarrassingly enough, although I had cleaned the barbecue, I had assumed the gas bottle was full (enough), but it wasn’t... we had to resort to the frying pan. No worries, we sat outside and it was still warm(ish). Craig took over the BBQ (frying pan) duties -a good Kiwi bloke!

A super day. We love it when we can turn on good weather for visitors.

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