
By LifeLines

The Plot

Thank you for all your kind comments on my 2000th blip yesterday.  I hadn't realised it was such a significant post until after I had put up my picture.  I appreciate you all so much so am most grateful to you all for passing by my journal and taking the time to comment.  

I thought that today I would post a picture of my allotment. I was there again this morning, sorting out the new storage area at the front of the allotment.  Here you can see from the storage area looking down to the end of the allotment.  In the foreground I have my fruit bushes and a cross of a blackberry and raspberry which I inherited when I took on the allotment.  There are also two blueberry bushes (also inherited) and a josta berry (a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry) which I was given when I went to the fruit and veg growing workshop at Tuppenny Barn last month.

Just beyond that is the garlic and herb bed, then I've vegetable beds mainly still to be planted up for the season.  Finally at the end just beyond the bench are my two apple trees which I am going to espalier (grow out sideways along wires), and beneath them, various rhubarb plants.

I've now met the person who has the allotment beyond mine and who used to have my allotment also.  Its been interesting speaking with him as he has had an allotment on the site since the 1970s and knows about the history of the site and about some of the plants I inherited including the blackberry/raspberry cross.

Its been another very warm day 25.5 degrees so aside from working at the allotment I've been keeping in the shade and walking the dog in the cooler air of the morning and evening.  Hoping you have all had a good Saturday.

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