Humpback Whale in Lerrick

A lovely sunny day, and warm out of the wind. 

Back to work, and spent the day on the museum desk.  With the fine day, it's been super quiet!  I was busy setting up for events tomorrow.  After tea I headed to the peat hill.  It's a new bank this year, so peerie Brian came to help me clean the bank, and we also made a start at rippin.  Mam, sister Laura and Elise popped by to see how we were getting on, and they swung by the house for a cuppa afterwards.  Feet up by the fire now. 

I headed out with photo orders this afternoon, and saw plenty of folk looking out to the harbour.  I kept my eyes peeled, and finally caught a glimpse of what they were seeing, a humpback whale.  At first it was in the distance, but it did a u-turn, and as he swung round, he was only a few metres away.   He's certainly been a popular boy today, and hope to see him again.  Taken next to the Lerwick Fish Market, Alexandera Wharf.  

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