First day in St Ives

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE St Ives! First thing this morning I went for my walk through the field and then around the town. Everyone that I met thought I was the most gorgeous little puppy ever. Obviously.

After breakfast I had to lie quietly on the very sunny sun terrace and watch Ann painting the decking (see extras).

…..........And then I got taken on a walk, via the park, to 'STAR' (bit of advertising here – lol, lol, lol) to see Tom & Ollie, the little pugs. I loved playing with Tom & Ollie. They thought I was the cutest puppy ever. Obviously. Unfortunately Ann forgot to take a photo of me playing with them.

Back home and I got put in my crate for a snooze while Ann went to get her hair cut. A haircut was long overdue so now all her 'dyed bits' have been cut out??!! (See extras). Apparently this is the first time she's seen her natural hair colour in about 40 years??? Lol! She's made an appointment to have it coloured again but actually she quite likes the 'mature greying look'??? What do you think Blippers?

This afternoon I went along the 'secret path' (and I was allowed off my lead) and down to Man's Head, where I had a good run about. There were loads of other doggies around but the minute Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I went zooming back to her. Yay! And I got treats too.

Walked through town; because Ann wanted to see how I coped with zillions of holiday makers stopping without warning and bumping into me. I coped brilliantly. Popped into 'St Ives Holidays' to see the girlies. They all thought I was the cutest little puppy ever. Obviously.

Home............ and Ann had stuff to do, like washing the windows and sorting out the pots at the front of our house, etc, etc, etc, so she tied me up so that I could watch what was going on (see extras) and I just had a bit of a chillax on the walkway.

….........And at 6pm when Ann had a glass of wine on her wine drinking chair, I had my dinner outside in the sunshine.


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