The Athenaeum of Ohio

I don't know if I've said this before or not...but there are 4 kinds of common colds. 1. A light cold. 2. A medium cold. 3. A whopper of a cold. 4. The dreaded man-cold. 

With my dreaded man-cold still hanging on, I didn't think I should visit our long-time Florida neighbor Faye. She is 92 year old, and I didn't think she needed my germs.

So, while Lisa visited with her in Cincinnati, I went exploring. A cemetery, a big Catholic church that I couldn't get in because they were having a funeral, and this place...a seminary. It is the 3rd oldest seminary in the United States, opened in 1829.

I thought it had good lines, and some of the details were very interesting. Men and women, and eagles and cows. The only problem? I asked a lady if I could see the inside. She glanced at my Michigan license plate...and she said no. (Not really.) But, I couldn't get inside.

As I was leaving the grounds, I noticed 2 signs on both sides of the driveway. NO TRESSPASSING. Oops.

We left Faye at 2:30 p.m., drove 300 miles, and pulled into our place at
7:45 p.m. 1,350 miles driven in 3 days, and I'm hitting the sack. 

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