If you go down to the woods today ...
you'll be alone, well not entirely as I had Millie with me. I could hear plenty of folks across on another path but had the woods to myself, so pretty with sunlight filtering through the fresh young growth of the deciduous trees. Then I joined the footpath that ran along side the ponds, admiring the vibrant colours of the rhododendrons, stopped at a seat to change the battery in my camera and there on the ground in the middle of the path was an injured Pipistrelle bat. I could see quite clearly that it had a broken bone in it's wing as it was protruding through. As I picked it up a family came along, not knowing what to do for the best, one of the young guys did a search on his phone, as one would. Place in a container with some water, contact the Bat Conservation Trust, so swapping Millie's treats into a spare doggy poo bag, I popped the bat inside and brought it back to where I'm looking after Millie & William. Getting hold of someone from the above Trust, the RSPB, Devon Wildlife Trust was impossible. I think I eventually spoke to someone at a local rescue but that was only for domestic animals, the assistant did however give me two local phone numbers for the Devon Bat Group, one number did'nt work, the other an answerphone. In the meantime I emptied an egg box, put a plastic milk bottle top of water inside then placed the bat inside & popped the lid on, the nearest I could find to a "container" as I'm in a strange house. Got a phone call around 9.15pm & after a quick discussion I was told to take it to the vet to be euthanized, so that's on my list now for tomorrow morning. Poor little mite :( Apparently they have a Duty of Care to tend sick wildlife.
So new house, new dogs, 2 Labradors, William who is 13 and not too good on his back legs so does'nt go to far for his daily exercise, & Millie, 6. Alarm system, new kitchen range, and tv set up to get my head around, as well as the dogs. :) There's a lovely garden with some super plants, which are much further on being here on the coast. Plenty of choice for Flower Friday & more.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting
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