Daft Cunk

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I do like Autumn. There's a chill in the air, and the leaves are turning. It makes me feel all cosy. Cats cluster round fires, and I eat a lot of things from the "stodge" food group.

In other news, I have discovered Philomena Cunk approximately one year after everybody else, I expect. Well, what can you expect? I'm on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD and none of you buggers told me. 

If you are in Germany and no buggers have told YOU either, Philomena is off Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe and now has her own show in which she examines British history. I'm particularly enjoying her explanation of things like British exploration:

"Sir Walter Raleigh circumcised the globe. Appropriately enough, in a ship called a 'clipper'."

And the Victorian era:

"Notoriously prudish, the Victorians thought that even a glimpse of ankle was a bit racey. If they'd ever seen a bum they'd have had a stroke."

And literature:

"If Shelley really was the greatest writer in English literature, then why does no-one give a shit about him today?"

And technology:

"If only Charles Babbage had known the consequences of his invention. A machine that would autocorrect his name to 'cabbage' every time."

And one I expect Mr. Mad Dog enjoyed:

"The Romans left Britain, and the Britons were free at last from the shackles of Europe, able to take back control of their own destiny. Then, it was the Dark Ages."

As I write this, Philomena is asking Chris Packham when Charles Darwin invented monkeys. And Jasper is snuggling up next to me, warming his paws on my leg. And to recap, I love Autumn.


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