Double Shot Mummy


Al Safa Park and meeting other people

We have had a good couple of days. It is nice to be meeting a few like-minded Dubai expat mummy's. We went to Al Safa Park yesterday. I managed to get us there in the new car without getting lost. Oscar and Bailee had a ball at the 'new to them' play ground. There were about 6 other mum's and their children, all from around Europe. At one stage there were three of us breastfeeding our babies on a rug! There was a 2 week old, a 2 month old and Maple at 4 and a half months! One mum managed to lose her toddler child, thank god one of the other's found him on the small Pier down by the water... Everyone brought food to share; I made some savoury muffins which Oscar and Bailee loved. The twins really made me proud today as they played so happily and so well. It is funny how sometimes we can all go a little stir crazy indoors then we go out and they play independently.

Funnily enough it felt so cold yesterday! The temperature was 17 degrees at it's lowest and there was a good breeze going. I never would have thought I would be saying this a few months ago!

Today we had a day mainly around home. I took them all to the playground downstairs twice. In the morning Oscar was tired and grumpy, but in the afternoon they had a lot of fun playing in the sand with other kid's cars and trucks! I love how Bailee and Oscar now both hold on to one side of Maple's buggy (When she is not in the sling), and walk very orderly back to our apartment! People look at me as if to say, I must have it all under control! If only they knew!

I had to dash out with Maple when the twins were asleep. Managed to complete our Christmas shopping (I think). Just need to wrap it all up now! The countdown is on now as my parent's arrive on the 24th! I am so excited! Cannot wait for them to meet our gorgeous Maple Violet, and for them to see how much Oscar and Bailee have grown! It has been 16 months!

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